Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Five

1. So I have been noticing that I have a ravenous appetite on the days that I do not run, but on run days I struggle to get the nutrition that I need . I read this article through Active Insider on what happens on a 0 minute run. At the end your dopamine levels are high which helps to curb your appetite....Duh! I should have known that. Now just to figure out what to do on non run days with my eat everything in sight appetite.


So all this being said it did't help that my coworker brought these into work yesterday....I craved and had a half of dark chocolate whip.

2. I read the Runners 10 Commandments and loved it. Here it is for your enjoyment as well.

3. I wish I had a cool would that be. Sort of like Atreyu and Falkor from the Neverending Story....yes this was a favorite movie of mine.

4. I am back into a groove of running. This weekend will be a little weird with going to Columbus to help a friend move. I am hoping to get some miles on dreadmill in hotel tomorrow morning before move . I am looking forward to seeing my bestie Lori and help her move. I am so happy for her.

5. Funnies for today...I love this

Happy weekend everyone
What are your plans this weekend?

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