I feel like I have not blogged for quite awhile. It seems like the past week or so have been so busy with lots of little things .
Maybe I should have called this post brain dump because that is what it feels like I am doing. Many things swirling around in this head that need put down. Not that any of it is bad or weighing me down, just things going on and events that happened and thoughts/ponders. Oh and add some pictures in for good measure too.
Last week I decided to treat myself to a Shamrock shake at McD for lunch on Thursday. Now this is something so totally not me. I hardly ever buy lunch out at work. I always pack my lunch. I decided to splurge a little more and got a Happy Meal. I can tell you that I did not eat the meal. I had a few bites here and there and the milkshake was so not what I was expecting. It tasted very blah and not appetizing. I think with eating healthier, fast food is just not cutting it. It was a reminder to me to continue to eat healthier and I will feel more satisfied.
Terri and I are doing work around the house with the potential of putting the house up for sale. We have things that need done regardless. We started working on the doorways and doors to upstairs rooms. They need painted. We were hoping this weekend to knock out this project but some speed bumps have stopped us. We had hired someone awhile ago to do some house repairs. He caulked the doorways to prep painting but instead of using spackling he used tub caulking. Duh.....now we need to scrap and sand the doorways prior to painting...this is hard work. We were able to complete some other small things in the house. After the painting we will attempt to lay quarter round in the dining room. Look out world we will be using the saw!!
I have a race coming up and it will be a new distance for me in a race. Running the Shamrock 15k on March 17th. I am looking forward to it but also nervous because it does have a lot of hills down into the Valley and back out. This race will be about completing the race and not a PR. Also putting together an outfit to wear!!
My running buddy Micheal and I are both running it and went out for training run Sunday we ran 9 miles in the snow. It was beautiful with the large fluffy flakes and the quietness. I am still amazed at how calm and peaceful it is to just hear nature and the crunch of snow under my feet.
This was our trail that I feel we had to ourselves. It is part of the towpath down in Cuyahoga Valley National Park area.
Trying to catch snowflakes...Didn't work so well.
So there are several races coming up and I am having trouble deciding which ones to do. I can't do them all, as you all know it gets costly. So I need to sit down and figure out which ones draw me and are affordable. It is not like I go out to win races but for me it is motivation to keep pushing myself, farther than I think I can.
I know I want to do the Erie PA Half Marathon in July but there are others that interest me. Warrior Dash again? New one called Hero Race? I tend to gravitate more to smaller races than larger ones. I know there is the Akron Marathon and the Cleveland Marathon near me but the crowds have me shying away from these larger races.
We usually camp on Memorial Day weekend . It is like tradition. The campgrounds we usually go to and reserve certain sites are all booked up...bummer. We actually need a new tent this year. The older one-the princess cabin one went into the trash after to collapsed from several storms. Now we will be on tent buying mode. Guess we will do something new this year instead of camping. Time for new traditions!
How do you all decide which races to run? Do you feel it is an expensive sport?
I got a few new things in the mail this past week and will have blogs/post coming up on them with reviews and my thoughts! Stay tuned.