Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pity Party

So I haven't blogged for a bit about what is going on with me ....why I am having a pity party.

After my Half Marathon in April I knew my Achilles tendon was sore. I gave it a rest while I traveled to Georgia with my sister. I started running again but  it just didn't feel 100%. I knew around Memorial Day weekend that I had something going on. I did a 6+ mile run on 5/26 . The next run on 5/28 I stopped soon into my run because my gait was off and I hurt. I placed myself on running hiatus to rest.
Speed ahead, I saw Sports Medicine 6/12/2013 and I have Achilles tendinitis. I started working with Physical therapy  6/18/13 and I am wearing a night splint. I am being diligent with exercises on my own. On 6/21 Physical therapy stated the tendinitis is not as bad and I am feeling no pain or tightness, even with running drills. I was given the ok to run 1-1.5 miles that weekend and a couple times in the week and see them back on 6/28.
This weekend we worked on home repairs- Saturday we painted the garage and garage door- lots of climbing the ladder time. Sunday I ran 1.5 miles and it felt good. Home for more work and painting-front and side doors with more ladder time. I was sore by the end of the evening but not bad. Monday my tendon was stiff but not sore. Tuesday I woke up feeling good and went for 1 miles run....then it started to hurt. Grrr. Walked back to car. All day Tuesday it hurt and was stiff. Did my exercises, iced after my run.
I am feeling very frustrated and discouraged.
Today it is better just slightly stiff. More exercises. Still discouraged and just want to run again. Run long and hard, even in the heat and humidity...I wouldn't even complain. I see races I want to run but can't commit because I don't know when I will be running again.
I want to cry because I cannot run right now. Big sigh.
Just plain old having a pity party today.


  1. Sorry to hear about your injury Jen

    1. Thanks Suz! Went to PT, some of my issues are my running form is off from the tenditis. I can run 3 miles this weekend!!! Has to be slow run/walk with attention to good form!
